الضعوط النفسية التي تصيب النشطاء الرقميين

كامران أشرف Cameran Ashraf

17 نيسان/أبريل 2013

الأصوات العالمية أونلاين  Global Voices Online

بدأت الحركة الخضراء الإيرانية في عام 2009 عندما اتّهَمَت مجموعاتٌ مدنيةٌ مسؤوليين حكوميين بالتلاعب في نتائج الانتخابات الوطنية. تجمهر المواطنون والنشطاء في الشوارع للاحتجاج معتمدين على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعية مثل تويتر لنشر رسائلهم وتنسيق نشاطهم. وعندما عمدت الحكومة إلى التحكم في التقارير الإعلامية عما يجري داخل إيران, استخدم النشطاء أدواتٍ للالتفاف على المواقع المحجوبة ولمشاركة موادهم ونشرها إلى كل العالم, وتم هذا في أكثر الأحيان بمساعدة مؤيديهم في بقاع الأرض المختلفة.

كان هذا أول حراك واسع استُخدِم فيه الإعلام الجديد كمنصة للتنسيق وللتواصل بين النشطاء حيث لعب دوراً أساسياً في تعريف العالم بالأحداث الجارية على الأرض. الرواية التالية من كامران أشرف, مواطن إيراني-أميركي يعيش في الولايات المتحدة, ساعد على  تأمين التواصل والتبادل المعلوماتي للنشطاء والمتظاهرين خلال تلك الفترة.

ظلت مدونتي صامتة لمدة طويلة. وتكمن الأسباب في هذه المقالة التي سأباشر بكتابتها. استمر في القراءة

Delights of the Syria Revolution: Magazines, Films, Writings and Images Scented with Freedom

Rayan Majed

17 August 2012

Syrian Bear – Yumal [Bored] – Song about Syria translated into English

Syrians have managed to become proficient in many fields, all while facing systematic murder for nearly 17 months.  Syrian talent blossomed with the outbreak of the revolution, says Syrian activist Maher Isber who arrived in Beirut last September [2011], bringing to light their creative energies, cultural richness, courage and satirical spirit. استمر في القراءة

Stories from the Syrian Revolution: Love in the Time of Revolution is a Revolution

Posted on 2013/01/09

Kamal Cheikho



A salute to Bassel al-Safadi (photo) in his detention and Aliaa Khalifa in her hospital

A salute to Bassel al-Safadi (photo) in his detention and Aliaa Khalifa in her hospital

At the beginning of the revolutionary movement, Syrians gathered in small numbers in front of the Arab embassies in solidarity with the arrival of the first breezes of the Arab Spring. It was an opportunity to meet new people as well as to coordinate the launch of the Syrian revolution that was ignited in mid-March 2011 in the “souk al-Harika” commercial district of Damascus. These gatherings were not just political, demanding the toppling of the ruling regime, but also gave birth to romantic relationships between the revolutionaries. Revolutions do not come by often during the course of history and love flourishes only once, and when their timing coincides love becomes a revolution and the revolution an act of love. استمر في القراءة

Diary of a Damascene Revolutionary مفكرة ثائر دمشقي

A few decades ago the Syrian poet Nizar Kabbani wrote his famous poem “Diaries of a Damascene Lover” declaring his love for his hometown Damascus. It is one of the most beautiful modern day poems written of a city. Many Damascenes share Nizar’s love for their city. It is the oldest capital in the world and the oldest continually inhabited city in the world. Damascenes only call her by its pet name “Al-Sham” and many consider it as their first love. In this documentary by Orient TV, a new diary is being written by the Damascene youth of today. They have declared their love to their city, and revolted to clear up the destruction and pollution that has befallen on their beloved city. Many reasons have led them to rise up against a tyrannt regime; basic humane reasons, the lack of urban planning and the deliberate uglification of their city, the monopoly of the regime over the economy and its squeeze on the city’s traders. But most importantly, those youth are revolting for the sake of their eternal love.. their beautiful city.. Damascus AlSham..

Faces from the Syrian Revolution: Baraa Al-Bushi

Translated from “On the death of the journalist Baraa Al-Bushi” published by Kebreet.

August 11, 2012

The death of dissident [from the Regular Syrian Army where he was drafted] 1st Lt. Baraa Yousef Al-Bushi, who was born and raised in the city of Hama, was as a result of injuries he recieved in the bombardment of the town of Al-Tal in the suburbs of Damascus. استمر في القراءة

Cold Mountain

The Damascus Bureau

True news and stories from Syria

Razan Zaitouneh, 13 June 2012

Long months of work, disagreements, conciliations, ill feeling, laughing, receiving news, exchanging invitations to our favorite, popular meals, and promises of celebration in the freedom square; yet I neither know his name nor his features.

I imagine him to be in his early twenties: nice and intimate; he is quick-tempered and quick to smile as well. He is too inquisitive to the extent that each time I had to beg him “son, please stop nagging”.

استمر في القراءة