International Bodies threatening to cease donations to medical institutions if they mention that Assad regime has bombed them

International Bodies threatening to cease donations to medical institutions if they mention that Assad regime has bombed them. They are forced to take a neutral position and refrain from giving any statements that would plainly accuse the Assad regime of attacking medical facilities.

30 April 2016

One employee at a major medical institute working in Aleppo has revealed that a discussion took place on Thursday [sic 27/04/2016] in one of the institutes complaining from the pressure donors are imposing on them to be “neutral” and not give any statements that would accuse the Assad regime of launching attacks against those medical facilities. Mutasem Alsyoufi stated on his Facebook: “the same donors had no problem if the accusation subjected JN [al-Nusra Front], ISIS, or even the moderate armed groups because they are “not state actors”.

Alsyoufi also mentioned that a number of workers at those Medical Organisations were martyred in the Assad regime’s air force attacks over Aleppo, adding that “apparently, the real international community is the one unveiled in the Panama leaks not the UN or the Universal declaration of human rights”.

The Assad and Russian invasion forces had earlier targeted more than one Medical Center, the latest of which was the UOSSM Center providing healthcare in the Marjah area of Aleppo, that had it completely destroyed and rendered inoperable.



Mutasem Alsyoufi’s Facebook Post

Field Hospitals in Syria and Tremendous Efforts to Protect the Wounded from Permanent Disability

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Dr. Scheherazade al-Jundi


The recovery room in one of the houses, which hosts the wounded of the revolution, is the final stage of the patient’s movement from the “tayyar [flash] hospital” [1] to the “field hospital” to a “nearby house” to  a “house further away”, and so on …. The idea of ​​the tayyar or the makeshift hospital came at the beginning of the Syrian revolution, where the Syrian Security forces entered some of Daraa’s hospitals and finished off the wounded. Then the revolutionists decided they needed a safe place to treat patients. استمر في القراءة